Journalist Jeon Hyeong Hwa | 05/12 15:20
ⓒ[Im Seong Gyun tjdrbs23@]
Actress Kim Tae Hee has rushed into filming for the movie 'Ssawoom'.
'Ssawoom' (Director Han Ji Seung; Production Cinema Service) which matches Seol Gyeong Gu and Kim Tae Hee as a married couple started official filming on the seventh last week at the Seoul Film Studio in Kyonggi-do, Namyang-ju.
After filming started, Kim Tae Hee, acting the same age belt as Seol Gyeong Gu, filmed and studied acting side by side while hearing advices separately from director Han Ji Seung.
An aide of Kim Tae Hee said, "She is in the midst of an acting class every time she reads the scenario for every filming separately with director Han Ji Seung. She is doing her best to show a natural, daily appearance."
This aide said, "Because she knows there are all the answers in the scenario, Kim Tae Hee goes forward in her scenario analysis. She carries the scenario around in her CF filming sets."
Kim Tae Hee and Seol Gyeong Gu will love fighting thoroughly in 'Ssawoom' which is scheduled to open in the latter half of this year.
[Copyrightⓒ 'Real-time performance news flash, Everything of star' Star news]
article source (in korean): here.
translation credit Home of the Angel @

Actress Kim Tae Hee has rushed into filming for the movie 'Ssawoom'.
'Ssawoom' (Director Han Ji Seung; Production Cinema Service) which matches Seol Gyeong Gu and Kim Tae Hee as a married couple started official filming on the seventh last week at the Seoul Film Studio in Kyonggi-do, Namyang-ju.
After filming started, Kim Tae Hee, acting the same age belt as Seol Gyeong Gu, filmed and studied acting side by side while hearing advices separately from director Han Ji Seung.
An aide of Kim Tae Hee said, "She is in the midst of an acting class every time she reads the scenario for every filming separately with director Han Ji Seung. She is doing her best to show a natural, daily appearance."
This aide said, "Because she knows there are all the answers in the scenario, Kim Tae Hee goes forward in her scenario analysis. She carries the scenario around in her CF filming sets."
Kim Tae Hee and Seol Gyeong Gu will love fighting thoroughly in 'Ssawoom' which is scheduled to open in the latter half of this year.
[Copyrightⓒ 'Real-time performance news flash, Everything of star' Star news]
article source (in korean): here.
translation credit Home of the Angel @
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